Wednesday, December 1, 2010

To the best father anyone can ever ask for.

December 1st, 2010.
The worst day of my life.
You and I know that no matter what anybody say's that I will always love you. No matter what. I will ALWAYS love you. And that's something I know you'll never forget, whether your down here or in the happy place you are in right now. I really wish you would had never done what you did but things happen and I just have to live through it. As I have always said everything happens for a reason, and im on the way into figuring out the meaning of this day. The day that forever and eternity I will not forget. The person that will always stay in my heart. Dad I love you so much. And there were so many things as I expected for you to live through, I expected so much happiness to share with along the rest of my life. I always wanted you to see what I become to be. Because the truth is I am the exact replica of you. Literal in every sense. And every time I acknowledged the fact that your not going to be here anymore I realize that I still and probably never will admit to the fact that your not. In my head your on a vacation. The vacation you've been needing in a long time, were all your life long fantasies will easily come true. And the day you come back were I see you again will be the day that I'm up there with you. Every single most minimum part of my body is just craving a strong desire for that day. When you tell me you love me again. It really sucks that my life had to be like this but hey what can I do. Basically you will know that "I" will NEVER forget you, and you will be on my mind at least 1 time everyday for the rest of my life, and whenever I am down I will talk to you so start improving your giving advice skills because you'd be the first person I will go for advice. You are my role model. My idol. My hero. The person that after this day December 1st, 2010 everything I do will be just for you. Have fun up there dad, save some of it for me though when it's my turn because I will be there with you once again.
R.I.P Eduardo Victoria
"The best dad to ever live in mankind of our universe"