Wednesday, December 1, 2010

To the best father anyone can ever ask for.

December 1st, 2010.
The worst day of my life.
You and I know that no matter what anybody say's that I will always love you. No matter what. I will ALWAYS love you. And that's something I know you'll never forget, whether your down here or in the happy place you are in right now. I really wish you would had never done what you did but things happen and I just have to live through it. As I have always said everything happens for a reason, and im on the way into figuring out the meaning of this day. The day that forever and eternity I will not forget. The person that will always stay in my heart. Dad I love you so much. And there were so many things as I expected for you to live through, I expected so much happiness to share with along the rest of my life. I always wanted you to see what I become to be. Because the truth is I am the exact replica of you. Literal in every sense. And every time I acknowledged the fact that your not going to be here anymore I realize that I still and probably never will admit to the fact that your not. In my head your on a vacation. The vacation you've been needing in a long time, were all your life long fantasies will easily come true. And the day you come back were I see you again will be the day that I'm up there with you. Every single most minimum part of my body is just craving a strong desire for that day. When you tell me you love me again. It really sucks that my life had to be like this but hey what can I do. Basically you will know that "I" will NEVER forget you, and you will be on my mind at least 1 time everyday for the rest of my life, and whenever I am down I will talk to you so start improving your giving advice skills because you'd be the first person I will go for advice. You are my role model. My idol. My hero. The person that after this day December 1st, 2010 everything I do will be just for you. Have fun up there dad, save some of it for me though when it's my turn because I will be there with you once again.
R.I.P Eduardo Victoria
"The best dad to ever live in mankind of our universe"

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Your reality

The movement of the air is just another way life is being penetrated into our senses.
We are our dreams.
Our dreams become as our thoughts and actions coincide with each other.
Searching for the answer too hard will lead to failure.
Make it everything as simple as the life of our past ancestors millions of years ago was.
Stop trying to make everything seem so complicated when reality is what you make it to be.
Since every single being see's everything so much differently, you have to find how your outer surroundings fit to aid you to figure out the meaning of your life.
Listen to your thoughts.
There is so many things about you that could be so useful for your progression in life that is just sleeping in your mind.
You just have to take advantage and awaken your sub conscious mind.
The past is so important.
Its data, and the concept of memories all gather each other to make your future.
So go ahead and travel into your own little worlds.
Mind is free.
So just let it be.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I don't understand

My life is being chewed up and spit out by this filthy world.
I'm getting caught up in the complicated when the simple is passing right by me.
Although I'm living day by day there is so many things I'm suppose to be doing and subconsciously not doing it.
I forget everything now a days.
From the most important things, to the things that would never matter.
I'm wasting and throwing my life away.
What my mind considers right is in reality the wrong thing I shouldn't be doing.
I still thank whatever is keeping me alive, but it is really getting hard.
Not hard in the fact that I'm stressed, is just that I feel everything I do is pointless.
And this is just the beginning of the worst.
If I'm still alive, I'm going to get hurt really bad.
To the point that I'd disappear completely.
So take advantage of my presence, because tomorrow i might not be here.

Traveling Through The Galaxy

With just the quickness of the thoughts of my mind
I travel into dimensions not known to mankind.
Entering into another world for me is a joke.
I don't have to be high or even coked.
Then how do I do it. It's pretty simple.
My friends from above pick me up for less than a nickel.
Because obviously I'm not from this world.
My thoughts are more abnormal then Einstein's theories.
But with what I show of myself you'd probably choose not to hear me.
But that's the whole point of you not knowing me.
Plus you'll never believe the things that I see.
My mind is free in every single sense.
The energy it transmits is beyond the intense.
And let me not talk about my subconscious mind.
It comes from a place where currently you cannot find.
But don't stress it. Just live your life and don't get lost in the night.
When the time comes though, you'll know I'm right.
When you get to the end of the light. Or when you get to the end of the night.
All you will find is what I've been saying all along.
Love, and happiness, transmitted straight from above.
And hopefully this planet that you all call earth will be proud of me.
As I slowly but intelligently tell my story of how I traveled through the galaxies.

Our Creators

The return of the elohim.
The return of our parents of this planet.
The return of our creators.
Extremely short.
Physically, very different from us.
To the beings here they'd be classified as weird or funny looking.
They are beyond our level scientifically.
And all they are doing is trying to help us.
Aide us to reach the last level of happiness.
So we can all as a whole cherish love.
And understand the meaning of family.
To know about the meaning of life.
Because in reality before they inform us about any of their scientific knowledge, we have to first understand the meaning of us.
Love, Family, and Happiness.
If we can't understand that as a civilization then we'd use all of their knowledge in a horrific way.
So from today, till the day they come to finally expose everything, we have to strongly develop love for each other.
Whether we are all very different in many ways, we are all the same.
Our very early ancestry ties together.
So really we all are a family.
And until we don't understand that, we will all exterminate everything to be on this planet by ourselves.

Sunday, August 29, 2010


I'm dying.
Slowly and painfully.
I just feel it coming.
Every second of my life keeps getting harder.
I just hope I will wake up the next day.
My goal is to see the sun shining the next day.
To see the family I make.
To see how the world will become.
To finally be with my fellow friends from above.
But sometimes I think it's not going to happen.
It just feels so far away.
But so close.
But as close as your next day may be, your death can be even closer.
You wake up, and you don't know if this is gonna be your day, or if you still have one more day to live.
All you can do is hope your still here.
Still standing on this planet giving the world all the knowledge you can.
Proving you have a reason to be here.
I have a reason.
Will I get there in time to let everybody know.
But for some reason I don't think so.
I feel it coming, its coming strong.
Harder then a 1000 pound boulder sitting on your face.
But I don't know if im going to feel it.
If I do then wish me luck.
If I don't then..,
R.I.P Carson Linter.

Friday, August 6, 2010

just face it..

there is no point..
we will never understand.
we can get really close
but we can't put all the pieces together by ourselves.
there is just way too many things happening at once that you just really can't..
it is impossible.
the resources we have here are not enough.
so i ask you my friends to help us.
bring us together.
together so we can figure out the magical question.
after all that is why you put all of us on here right.
if not there would only be one.
i don't know how we will come together knowing that this planet is so huge.
but we will.
i am 100% sure of that.
it does not have to be physically though.
but which ever way we do come together and figure it all out
that will be the only way.
seriously think about it.

Do you actually think you can figure out the magical question by yourself?
Think about what 6 BILLION other people are doing right now.
Think about what is being done right now.
It is unexplainable.
And that is only at this very second.
86000 seconds in one day.
You can't keep up.
You need help.
A Lot of help.
From ALL of the chosen ones that were dropped on this planet.
Each of them have a reason.
Each of them have the answer to your question.
And you have the answer to theirs.
If we put it all together.